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We just launched our Tee Shirts and Accessories shop on Spreadshirt. It’s now possible to play with style with our Tee Shirts, with short or long sleeves , Mugs and even a Pint ! Order them now, and if you do use the code JOY20 before November 8th you’ll get 20% of any order over 30€ ! We’ll be adding new designs frequently so don’t hesitate to check back.

No new stuff on the shop these last 2 weeks but we are working hard to propose you some new stuff. First a medieval cottage in resin is being designed right know and should be added by the end of the week (pictures to come).

This week we added to the store new miniatures, new resin bases and a new scenery : The Jousting tilt !

Since last Saturday you can now order all of our miniatures directly from our Web Store The range is still limited right now but will soon be extended !

Just follow this blog if you want to be kept up to date regarding Via Ludibunda news !